Solar School, LLC and all its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “Solar School”, “We”, “Us”, or “Our”) do not assure that you will attain specific personal, health, financial or any other outcomes, or achieve a specific income level or goal. The insights provided are solely for your individual usage and are informational in nature. Utilizing this information is your own decision and you alone bear responsibility for any choices and results arising from such utilization. We do not dispense advice on relationships, legal matters, investments, or finance. We are not responsible for mistakes or omissions in any of our educational materials.


Solar School doesn’t guarantee or assert any form of earnings or success. Depictions in Solar School’s educational resources or marketing materials are not predictive of individual accomplishments or potential income. It’s misguided to presume you’ll mirror the success seen in our examples. Numerous factors, such as dedication, adaptability, prior know-how, personal connections, and market trends, will shape your outcomes.


Should a pandemic like COVID-19 or its subsequent issues hamper our ability to conduct a live gathering or any component thereof, we maintain the right to adapt and present the event virtually. Any bonus items acquired through a purchase or payment scheme are contingent upon availability, with the possibility of equivalent substitutions. These bonuses carry no cash value, aren’t eligible for substitutions, store credits, or alterations.


Always engage with your legal, tax, and financial consultants prior to making any financial choices. Solar School does not offer investment counsel or suggestions. It’s prudent to consult specialists in the fields of tax, finance, and law before any financial commitment.


Engaging in business has inherent risks. Solar School holds no accountability for any liabilities, damages, or losses stemming from our educational tools, resources, or products. As detailed in our Terms of Use, all risks related to the application of our materials, training, or products fall upon you. You concur that Solar School won’t be held liable for your outcomes or the lack thereof.


Solar School doesn’t offer materials, free or otherwise, that align with the Business Opportunity Rule § 437.1c definition of a business opportunity. Our materials are for educational purposes. Also, we aren’t a multi-level marketing entity.


Solar School doesn’t function as a franchise, failing to meet Beale’s Franchise Rule Test criteria. Any promotional or licensing activities using the Solar School brand by partners occur without stringent supervision. Affiliates are entirely accountable for their conduct and don’t receive franchising-like support.


On occasion, Solar School might endorse services or products deemed advantageous. Understand that Solar School might benefit from such endorsements. The onus of purchase decisions and the outcomes from these lies with the consumer. It’s always wise to conduct independent research before any acquisition.