Ready to build a career in solar?

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Learn Solar Basics

Feeling a bit lost in the solar world? No worries. Our beginner-friendly module takes you through the basics, making everything about solar simple and easy to grasp. It’s the perfect starting point, whether you’re completely new or just want to brush up on the essentials.

Master the Solar World

The solar market can seem like a maze with all its rules.. But don’t worry! We’ve crafted a step-by-step guide that breaks down the market and regulations, ensuring you’re well-equipped to navigate and succeed in the solar industry.

Boost Your Solar Sales

Our dedicated modules offer practical tips and effective strategies, making it easier for you to connect with potential customers and seal the deal. Let’s turn your solar passion into a successful venture!

What is Solar School?

Solar School empowers individuals with comprehensive solar knowledge, bridging the gap between curiosity and mastery. We simplify complex concepts, making solar accessible for everyone. Our aim: educate, inspire, and drive solar success.

Comprehensive Learning

From basics to advanced topics, our modules cover the entire solar spectrum, ensuring a well-rounded education.

User-Friendly Approach

We break down solar jargon, offering lessons that are easy to digest and apply, no matter your experience level.

Career Boost

Whether you're aiming to kickstart or elevate your solar career, our curated content sets you on the path to professional growth.

Who it's for

Yes, we are aware, the current state of solar education is well… not the best. We help students of all experience levels take their solar game to the next level, even if you feel you have tried everything!
We Help You With (Everything)

Scripts Galore: Equip yourself with a toolbox of ready-to-use scripts for all situations - from handling objections to leaving the perfect voicemail.

Solar 101: Dive into the essentials and get the lowdown on how solar really works, from basics to benefits.

Market Vibes: Stay tuned into the solar world, understanding its ups, downs, and the hottest trends shaping the industry.

Panel Talk: Get to know solar panels from the inside out, picking up on the differences that matter most.

Utility Hacks: Learn how to seamlessly connect and work with the energy grid, ensuring your solar setup is on point.

Money Moves: Unravel the ins and outs of solar financing, so you can guide clients through the best choices.

Pitch Like a Boss: Master the art of selling solar, ensuring your pitches resonate and convert.

Chat Sessions: Conduct consultations that not only inform but also build trust and credibility with potential clients.

Stay Ahead: Get hands-on with strategies that put you ahead of the curve, making competitors take note.

After-Sale Glow: Discover how to nurture and maintain relationships post-sale, turning clients into long-term fans.

Trend Spotting: Keep an eye out for the latest in solar, ensuring you're always updated and relevant.

Legal Stuff: Get a grip on regulations and rules, ensuring your solar journey remains smooth sailing.

No Jargon: Learn to explain complex solar concepts in simple, relatable terms anyone can understand.

Happy Customers: Develop skills to consistently provide top-notch service, leaving every customer smiling.

Smooth Sales: Streamline your sales processes, making the journey from lead to sale frictionless.

Techy Bits: Stay on top of cutting-edge solar technology, ensuring you're offering the latest and greatest.

Keep Growing: Embrace continuous learning and personal growth, setting you up for ongoing success in solar.

Set It Up Right: Dive deep into installation best practices, ensuring every panel does its job brilliantly.

Work Smarter: Optimize your operations, reducing hiccups and maximizing efficiency.

Connect & Conquer: Network effectively, building relationships with key players in the solar space.

Study Up: Prepare for industry certifications and tests, adding that extra shine to your expertise.

Spread the Word: Explore innovative marketing strategies that put your brand front and center.

Squad Goals: Learn to recruit, train, and retain a killer team that's as passionate about solar as you are.

Only the Best: Ensure every project you undertake meets the highest standards of excellence.

Pull in Leads: Master lead generation tactics to consistently attract high-quality prospects.

On Point Projects: Lead solar projects with confidence, ensuring flawless execution from start to finish.

We get that investing in self education isn’t always an easy decision.

That is why our courses all come with a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee. If you do not feel you are receiving the best industry education to teach you everything solar we will refund your entire investment. It’s that simple.

Patrick Kenney

CEO Solar School

I kicked off my solar sales leadership journey with a bang, leading a solar sales army of over 1,000 for four solid years, and what we achieved was nothing short of remarkable—we built one of the industry’s fastest-growing sales teams from the ground up.

With over a decade of sales and financial education expertise, I couldn’t ignore the glaring gaps in solar education any longer.

That’s when Solar School℠ was born. Now, as you gear up to embark on your solar journey, rest assured, I have your back every step of the way.

Zain Jan

CEO of Better Earth, a 9 Figure Solar Company

I started working at Solar City at 19 years old, and I ended up helping build one of the biggest sales offices in the whole nation…

When Solar City was acquired by Tesla I decided to start my own company called Sungrade Solar,
which became a 8 figure business in just one year!
After growing Sungrade I wanted to take my organization global.

So I decided to start a new company called Better Earth Solar, and as of now, BE is on track to selling over 200M in 2023. I am taking the knowledge and experience I have learned in this journey and handing it directly to you so you can do it all faster.

Tried and Tested & Proven Results

Take a look at some recent words from some of our students, we are excited to help you become the next success story!


Active Students


Revenue earned by students & clients


Solar Jobs sold per month by students


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